Luna Eclipse

Holistic Healing & Wellness Center


What is Chakra Balancing?

The word “chakra” has Hindu (Sanskrit) roots and means “wheel or disk.” All living creatures have chakras. These energy vortexes are the channels through which energy flows. Chakras are “entry gates” of the aura (our personal energy field that surrounds us.) Within the physical body resides a spiritual body that contains the chakras.
Neuroscience has only recently begun to explore what Indian mystics so elaborately described thousands of years ago – that we have seven important neuro-canters in our body-energy system. And that the health and well-being of each Centre can affect the entire system. These energy hubs are what the mystics have termed 7 chakras, and each one is connected to several human organs.
When a chakra becomes blocked, damaged, or muddied with residual energy, then our physical and emotional health is usually affected. Each one of our organs is connected to an emotion – for example, our heart to love, our liver to anger, our kidneys to fear, our neck to expression. When we fail to say something, we feel a knot in our throat. Or, when we cannot digest bad news, our digestive system gets affected. When we cry deeply after a beloved, our heart aches. These is no coincidence here – our bodies are complex, and so are our emotions. The chakras distil this complexity into easily understandable information.
A balanced chakra feels calm, peaceful, less or no anxiety and balanced. Chances are good that you can manage stressful situations well. If your energy is positive, the energy will flow evenly from the top of your head to your feet with ease.
When our chakras are opened and moving, energy runs from the top or our heads to our sacral chakra and up again (in a circle). If one of the chakras becomes blocked, this energy cannot move through it and all other chakras become affected and deprived. In time, with lack of energy, the chakra becomes weaker and eventually illness and disease can set in. When we start to feel “off,” the first thing we must do is to check in with ourselves and feel our body. We must start to be conscious of how we feel, but mostly important do not ignored how you feel.
A chakra balancing treatment can be done on its own, or in conjunction with a Reiki, crystal healing, or Magic of Color treatment.

A session on it’s own would include the chakras checked with dowsing rods and then all that are affected or blocked clear with it’s combination of angel sprays.

The chakras are rechecked and immediately you are able to see a shift. My sessions also includes a reading once we have done the balancing.

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